Texas weeds in March

How To Control Texas Weeds in March: Spring Lawn Care Tips

Knowing the common Texas weeds in March is a great first step toward growing and maintaining a healthy lawn this spring. As temperatures start to climb and the days get longer, those pesky weeds begin to get active. Knowing how to identify the grassy weeds and broadleaf weeds popping up in your yard will make it easier to get rid of them this time of year.

There are a few necessary tasks you’ll need to undertake during the early spring months to help keep your lawn lush and green.

Keep reading to get my favorite tips for managing Texas weeds during Spring. Plus, get information on which types of weeds you might see growing in the yard this March.

Texas weeds in March

5 Most Common Weeds in Early Spring

You’ll definitely see these Texas weeds in March all over the Lone Star State. Many of them are also common in other states. They may even hang on through late spring and early summer. 

Learning a bit more about them will help you understand the best way to tackle the weeds in your yard during early March.  Check out these common Texas weeds and start building your spring weed control plan today!


Beginning during the winter months, bedstraw forms a dense tangled carpet over the ground. Its tiny hairs stick to you. This annual weed dies in late spring, but you should pull it before it goes to seed to prevent spreading. 

Fun fact, bedstraw was once used to fill mattresses and it’s edible too. While this Texas weed might be fun to stick to your shirt, it’s an enemy of healthy lawns all over the state because these  invasive spring weeds crowd out other plants. Fortunately, you can get rid of bedstraw with effective weed control.

Carolina Dichondra

Carolina Dichondra is another mat-forming weed that can be found all over the southeastern United States. This native Texas plant has distinctive round leaves and likes to spread through shady areas quickly. Sometimes called ponyfoot, Carolina Dichondra is wonderful for pollinators as it blooms with tiny flowers from March through September. 

Not everyone is interested in getting rid of their ponyfoot weeds. They can make a nice rapid ground cover for your lawn, so you can decide whether to embrace this Texas weed in March or get to work removing it.

Common Chickweed

Chickweed is a winter annual weed that runs along the ground with small white flowers. It’s featured in the Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States so you should definitely plan to get rid of this weed wherever you find it. Chickweed is dense and can quickly crowd out other spring annuals and wildflower seedlings. 

While chickweed does provide pollen for butterflies and bees, there are lots of other great options for pollinators here in Texas that aren’t on the invasive plant list. The best time to look for chickweed plants is early because they begin growing during the winter months. Chickweeds can be removed by hand weeding.


Dandelions are one of the most well-known broadleaf weeds and the most loved! I bet we all have wonderful memories of picking dandelions and making wishes on their fluffy seed heads as children. Pollinators love dandelions too. 

Did you know dandelions are edible and nutritious not just for bees but for us too? If you’re using dandelions for nectar or trying to rid your green lawn of yellow flowers, you’ll want to pull them before the flowers go to seed. Dandelions can produces up to 20,000 seeds per flower!

You can begin removing this broadleaf weed in early winter when it begins to sprout or wait for the yellow flowers to pop up in early spring. Remember, dandelions have a thick root so you’ll have an easier time hand weeding if the ground is moist. A broadleaf weed killer could help if you’re unable to hand weed your lawn. 

Hedge Parsley

Hedge Parsley is sometimes called the sock destroyer because it will happily stick to your socks or pants if you come into contact with this weed from the carrot family. It kind of looks like a combination of parsley and Queen Anne’s Lace, a popular wild carrot family flower. 

Hedge Parsley is a host for the Black Swallowtail, a threatened butterfly species. Many pollinators love the flowers of this dainty but sticky spring weed. If you’re planning to remover your Hedge Parsley, get it before it goes to seed. If you have pets, keeping hedge parsley around can be dangerous as it can cause pain by becoming stuck in their paws. 

How to Control Texas Weeds in March

Having a thick, dense lawn is the best way to prevent weeds from growing in your yard. There are lots of tips and tricks you can employ to reduce the chances of developing Texas weeds in March.

Here are a few of my favorites tips for Texas lawns.

Controlling weeds in Texas
  • Pre-emergent applications and post-emergent herbicides can help you tackle a weed problem no matter how early or late in the season. This method works particularly well for controlling bermuda grass. 
  • In order to treat crabgrass, goosegrass, and other summer annual weeds, apply annual grassy weed types of products in February or early March. Many Texas weeds in March are growing quickly, so you’ll need to get ahead of them for effective removal.
  • To best manage summer perennial weeds and summer annual weeds, apply post-emergent herbicides in May, before the summer droughts. Then, apply pre-emergent weed killer in September to kill off winter weeds like chickweed and henbit.
  • Winter annual weeds and cool season perennial weeds are best managed in November according to most lawn care guides.

More Ways to Get a Healthy Lawn This Spring

If you’re looking to target weeds growing in your yard in the hopes of having a whole new lawn this growing season, there are all kinds of tips and tools you can discover at your local hardware stores and garden centers. You can even hire lawn care specialists to treat summer weeds that just won’t go away. 

Healthy lawn

What’s your favorite way to manage Texas weeds in March for the very best results?

Share your favorite tools for spot treatment, types of grass to plant, lawn fertilization tips, and weed control methods in the comments so we can all get better at managing annual and perennial weed plants.

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